Dental Implants

Your Trusted Implant Dentist in Green Valley

When you have missing teeth or broken or severely decayed teeth, they can be unwanted focal points in your smile, both functionally and aesthetically. If you're looking for a solution to replace missing teeth and regain your confident smile, look no further than Alta Mira Dental Clinic.

Our Green Valley implant dentist, Dr. Ishaq Ali, leads our dedicated team in providing exceptional dental implant services. Whether you've experienced trauma or have a tooth that can't be repaired with root canal therapy, we're prepared to assist. Our team is passionate about offering you personalized, compassionate care. We'll work hard to fashion a dental implant solution to restore oral health and function. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for Green Valley dental implants and learn how we can complete your smile!


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are devices designed to replace missing teeth from root to crown. Small titanium posts act as artificial tooth roots and are surgically placed into your jawbone. They are a strong and permanent foundation for attaching crowns, bridges, or dentures. A dental implant consists of three main components, which include:

  • The Implant Post
  • The Abutment
  • The Restoration

Why Choose Our Green Valley Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer numerous advantages, making them the preferred choice for tooth replacement. At Alta Mira Dental Clinic, we believe in providing our patients with a range of options for their oral health. We discuss the benefits of each of our recommendations and help you make an informed and confident decision about how you want to restore your oral health. Here are some of the ways dental implants are an excellent choice for completing your smile:

  1. Improved Bite Alignment: Missing teeth can disrupt your bite alignment, leading to discomfort and potential issues like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Our dental implant services can restore proper alignment, protecting your overall dental health.
  2. Prevention of Bone Loss: When teeth are missing, the jawbone in that area loses stimulation, resulting in bone density and volume loss. Dental implants stimulate the jaw, preserving bone health and preventing future complications.
  3. Gum Health Maintenance: Gaps left by missing teeth can trap food particles, increasing the risk of periodontal disease. Dental implants fill these spaces, safeguarding your gum health and oral well-being.
  4. Confidence in Your Smile: Missing teeth can affect your self-esteem by creating unsightly gaps in your smile. Our implant services improve oral health and enhance your smile's aesthetics.

Our Dental Implant Process

At Alta Mira Dental Clinic, our dental implant process aims to deliver optimal patient results. It begins with a comprehensive consultation and oral examination led by Dr. Ishaq Ali. This initial step lets us understand your unique needs and craft a personalized implant plan tailored just for you.

To maximize precision and accuracy in implant placement, we leverage cutting-edge technology, including CBCT scans, which provide a detailed view of your oral structures. Your comfort is paramount to us, so we offer a range of sedation options, from nitrous oxide to oral and IV sedation when necessary, promoting a comfortable procedure.

Our skilled Green Valley implant dentist utilizes state-of-the-art techniques like X-Nav's X-Guide® technology for guided implant placement. This helps us perform the implantation of your post with exceptional precision, promoting long-lasting and successful results. We will sometimes use PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, therapy to help you recover faster from the implant procedure.

Finally, after your post has securely bonded to your jawbone, we work with a dental laboratory to design beautiful restorations such as crowns, bridges, or dentures that seamlessly fit your smile, resulting in a natural and aesthetically pleasing look.

Dental Implant FAQs

Are you considering dental implants to restore your smile and improve oral health? It's natural to have questions about this innovative dental solution. Our team is always here to answer your questions, and we want to help you feel confident and engaged with the treatment process. We've compiled some frequently asked questions to help you better understand dental implants.

How long does a dental implant last?

A dental implant is designed to be a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants can last decades, even a lifetime, with proper care and maintenance. Factors like oral hygiene, lifestyle, and overall health can influence the longevity of your dental implant. Our team at Alta Mira Dental Clinic will guide you on how to help your dental implants last.

Individuals with periodontal (gum) disease can often receive dental implants. However, it's crucial to have your gum disease treated and stabilized before undergoing implant surgery.

The dental implant procedure is typically performed with local anesthesia, ensuring you won't feel any pain during the surgery. Most patients report minimal discomfort during recovery, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.

Skilled Implant Dentistry in Green Valley

Alta Mira Dental Clinic is your trusted partner for dental implant needs. As a privately owned practice, we focus on providing personalized service and a welcoming atmosphere for patients of all ages. Our dedicated staff and skilled hygienists work hard to promote your comfort and satisfaction throughout your dental implant procedures.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you experience a beautiful, functional smile. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and discover how our Green Valley dental implants can improve your smile and oral health.